Sunday 24 January 2010

Questionnaire Results

When I had produced my questionnaires I handed them out to 20 people in Stratford Upon Avon who were a range of ages and classes. I decided to do it in a town instead of somewhere such as a college so that it was as representative as I could possibly make it in the time space I had.
Below I will make a short conclusion for the results from each question:

How old are you?
- There were 2 people aged between 10-14, 5 people between 15 -18, 2 people between 19-25, 4 people between 26-30, 4 people between 30-40 and 3 people aged 40+. I think that although there were a little amount of people in each age group I got a fair representation of ages.

What genre of films do you prefer?
Surprisingly, most people tended to tick the most commonly known genres. 10 people said they preferred thrillers, 3 people said comedy, 3 people preferred romance and 4 people said horror. Therefore this shows that most people prefer thrillers, this may be very useful when planning my own teaser trailer as I now know that it would probably be too risky trying to create a teaser trailer for a document or a crime/gangster film.

Would you say that generally you want to see films more after watching the teaser trailer?
-The results of this question were quite interesting. Although 12 people answered 'yes', I thought that nearly everyone would have said yes. However, the remaining 8 people said 'sometimes', and no one answered 'no'. Therefore this shows that although most people do want to see films after they've watched the trailer, I assume that the people who answered 'sometimes' said it because if a teaser trailer does not make the film look exciting or appealing the viewer will be less likely to watch it. This will help me during my production because it shows how important it is to have an exciting teaser trailer.

What attracts you to teaser trailers?
I already had an idea of what I thought most people would say, therefore these results were expected. 9 people out of 20 said that the loudness attracts them to teaser trailers, and 6 said explosions. Although loudness is not what you would associate laughter with particularly, 5 people said that laughter attracts them to trailers. No one answered 'slow, quiet music' which is understandable as it wouldn't make the trailer stand out enough.

How long do you think a teaser trailer should be?
For this question, the answers varied a bit, but this is most likely because the time slots are very close together. The one that had the most ticks was the 40 - 60 seconds which is what I was hoping I would find as this is the average time length for professional teaser trailers.

Do you usually watch a trailer of a film before you watch it on DVD/see it at the cinema?
The majority of people (14/20) said that they watched it on the TV or at the cinema as a preview before they watched the whole movie. This is very positive because it shows that advertisement is successful. The 3 people who said they did watch trailers before watching the whole film I assume meant that they watch them on You Tube or on the internet on purpose as opposed to watching it by chance on the TV.

From looking at the results of my questionnaires I think that I have found out a lot of important points that will be helpful during the production of my media product. However, I think that I will have to research into my target audience more when I have decided on my ideas.

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