Monday 18 January 2010

A2 Media - Advanced Portfolio Checklist

Research and Planning:

- Primary and secondary research into similar products (both main and ancillary texts)

- Research into target audiences for existing texts and for your own product

- Research into new media being used (for example, iMovie, Sony A1E, Photoshop)

- Research into cross-media advertising (combining more than one media)


- Outline of initial ideas

- Treatment

- Production Schedule (both individual and group, detailing deadlines for all stages of the production)


- Script (a script of the action should be created for the music video brief)

- Shot Lists

- Storyboards

- Location recce (this needs to include photos)

- Costume sketches

- Lighting tests/Test shots

- Call sheets

- Shooting schedule

- Log Sheets/EDLs


- Draft outline of page layout

- Font tests (this should include different sizes as well as different fonts)

- Sketches for photographs

- Shooting schedule for photography

- Draft articles

Radio: (advertising brief only)

- Script

- List of sound effects

- Acoustic tests (both studio and location)

- Prop list (including a section on microphone selection)

- Call sheets

- Log sheets /EDLs


- Screen shots of how you used technology throughout brief

- Integrated subject specific terminology

- Audience feedback (this should be sought during draft stages also)

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