Monday 18 January 2010

Analysis of Daybreakers Poster

At a first glance this poster for Daybreakers isn't particularly clear, however when you look closer it is a huge room with hundreds of bodies held up by harnesses. As i have seen the film i know what they are and why they are there, however to someone who hasn't seen the film/advert it looks very mysterious to them. I think this is a very good feature to have as it attracts attention and makes you want to know what it's about. The bodies in the poster are not main characters, but they are a main feature of the film, therefore they are not giving too much away.
The setting is very futuristic looking, which goes along side with the date in the quote used which says '2019' therefore the audience will have most likely noticed it is a futuristic film.
The writing is very large and in a clear, bold font which automatically attracts your attention and tells you the name of the film immediately, there is then writing in smaller font which has a short caption:
'In 2019, the most precious natural resource... is us'
This is to further the effect of mystery as there is very little detail about the actual film, by using a one lined quote which doesn't reveal much at all will make the audience wonder what it means, this is a good way of advertising because it's very intriguing.
The date is the only part that is red which is to highlight the date of release, although this is not part of the film it is a major part of the poster because it informs the audience when the film is released.
The main focus is on the middle of the poster, which is where the majority of the bodies are, its the darkest part of the page but also the lightest because of the title. This causes a slight contrast which is where our eye is drawn to straight away. Also because the background is very simple is adds more focus onto the actual writing, therefore the overall look is quite simplistic.

While searching on the internet for the Daybreakers poster I came along a website with someones opinion of the poster:
'I saw this teaser poster for Daybreakers and I really wondered what it was about. If you think about it what usually disappears when day breaks? Vampires right? That’s exactly what this movie is based on.'
This made me think about how important the name of the film is, because although it originally appears quite mysterious it is more understandable if you really think about the meaning. This could help me when producing my final product because it shows that the name can also be effective.

Author: Blue, Taylor, Date of publication: 26/06/2009, Date of access: 19/01/2010, Title of page: Daybreakers Teaser Poster & Trailer

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