Wednesday 20 January 2010

Analysis of Twilight Teaser Trailer

This trailer also begins with the studio's logo, which is 'Summit Entertainment', I found it very interesting how after I have looked at a few teaser trailers to decide which i will analyse, I found that the studio logos usually give an opening effect to the film. For example, in this teaser trailer the logo is of dark grey mountains. Although this is only the beginning of the clip and the viewers have not yet watched the rest it does tell you a bit about the film.

The Twilight trailer is 59 seconds long, which is a usual teaser trailer length time, as it is enough time to add plenty of exciting clips from the film, but it isn't too long that the audience will get bored, or they reveal too much information.
In my analysis of the Daybreaker's teaser trailer, I analyzed it in a slightly different way; going though it shot by shot. However for this trailer I have decided to put the essential parts into paragraphs such as mise en scene, camera shots and sounds etc. This way I will be able to make the points more clear.

The sound in this trailer is very important, both the non-diegetic and the diegetic. The non-diegetic music creates the excitement and suspense as it changes tempo throughout, but the diegetic sound is very significant as although they are mainly short captions of conversations, they are important for introducing the audience to the story line and making it clear who the main characters are. Although from the images it is fairly obvious who the main characters are, the sound portrays their relationship to the audience. The sound used is very dramatic in parts and very low tempo in others, this could attract audiences because it has a variety.

The mise en scene portrays a present day area, this is shown through the use of housing, landscape, costume and props. There are many micro techniques the director has used to show it is modern day, such as the hair styles, clothing; hoodies, cars, iPod headphones, large flat-screen television etc.

Throughout this trailer, there are a total of 30 screen shots altogether, the shot duration varying from 0.01 seconds to 0.04. This information makes it clear that the clips used in teaser trailers are very short and will not be able to include large amounts of detail. Immediately it is clear that there is a lot of camera effects, such as panning in the opening scene which also zooms in slightly. This is to give an idea of the landscape the film is set it as this is a place which has a lot of importance to the film, it may have also been to create an effect of mystery as the characters were in the shot but too far away for the audience to properly see them.
Following the opening shot, the shots directly after are much more detailed and focused on the actual characters rather than the landscape. The second shot is a two shot of the main characters, this is the first time we have seen their faces up close, however they aren't facing each other, this automatically makes the viewer want to know why. The shots then change to very fast paced as they are creating a chase scene, some of which include a 'hand-held' camera effect. This is used to create intensity and fear. There is then a shot of the main character jumping over a group of trees, this is very surreal and as it was taken from a low angle it gives an effect of authority and power to the character. It also has a sense of urgency which intrigues the viewer.
Many of the shots are showing the characters emotion, this is very effective as they are giving away emotions that are included in the film but the audience has no idea of why this might be.
During the rest of the trailer, the majority of shots are close ups of characters faces, this could be because the director wants the audience to know their faces and recognise them as part of the film. This technique sometimes slightly gives away relationships and can make the characters appear vulnerable without even knowing what has happened to them. Altogether the shots in this trailer work excellently with each other to build an exciting teaser trailer which makes the audience want to watch the whole film.

This teaser trailer has been changed using many editing techniques. This begins as the opening shots are very slow pace along with the non-diegetic sound track, this is used to create suspense and slowly lead the audience into excitement, therefore watching the rest. As the teaser trailer gets further into the action, the shots become dramatically more fast paced which is insync with the non-diegetic music getting higher tempo. This editing technique is used to emphasize the impact of the drama and the capture your attention as it is also in sync with the characters relationship evolving.

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